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Towards Excellence

Nothing work until you work them out the right way. Experience and exposure over the years have taught me that there’s no mistaken success. Every results obtained in life are accumulations of pre-implemented actions or inactions. Your future results are premised on your present actions, just as your current results are products of your past actions.

It is therefore pertinent to adequately comprehend the correct system or formula that delivers the accepted results. By formula or system, I am simply referring to the authorised, legalized and correct approach through which the expected results can be routed to you.

This system also exist in relationship. Most people wish to have successful relationship, yet they give less attention to the authorised and legalized system through which their expected results can be routed to them. Amazingly, life doesn’t deliver to us what we wish. We will consider some of those formula here.

One of the biggest challenges with humanity is that we seems to extol the ideas of the manufactured (man) above that of the manufacturer (God). When the manufacturer’s instructions are not followed, the product will naturally malfunction.

Humanity have concocted several ideas in various areas of life which directly negates the Manufacturer’s idea. These have become one of the major sources of frustration in life. Most people need God’s results, but their lifestyle oppose His principles. You can’t secure God’s kind of results when your lifestyle directly violates His principles. You seriously need a stress-free relationship? No problem, but the question is, whose principles are you living by in life and your relationships?

The Bible, in Ecclesiastics 4:12 speaks of threefold cord when referring to relationship and it went on to establish the fact that it can’t easily be broken. This is one of the most comprehensive scriptures that buttresses the secret to successful relationship. Using this threefold cord analogy, let me show you something. Imagine a triangle, the couple are at the base of the triangle located at the extremes, while God is at the top of the triangle. That’s the picture of the threefold cord, which includes God and the couple.

The couple naturally get closely compacted as they make frantic effort to get closer to God. The higher each of them climb up the triangle towards God, the closer and stronger their relationship becomes. The easiest way to sustain a great relationship with your spouse is by solidifying your individual relationship with God.

To realise this result, each spouse must have deep regard for God and His principles. This is not lip service kind of regard, but the kind that affects and reflects in your daily life. The fear of God is the strongest foundation to faithfulness and commitment in relationship. I won’t cheat on my wife because she is too beautiful, but because I have the fear of God. My loyalty is first to God, then to her. For the fact that I’m loyal to God and His principles, there are certain things I can’t imagine, let alone doing them. In making God my ultimate pursuit, my wife automatically reap the dividends. If you must have a successful relationship, don’t play with the fear of God. Challenge yourselves to pursue God wholeheartedly.

Next to this, understand that marriage is not picnic. Forget the fantasy movies portray. In reality, marriage is WARFARE, not warfare between spouses, but between the couple and the devil. Satan hates family and marriage, because it’s God’s idea for companionship and procreation. Anything that originate from God automatically attracts Satan’s hatred and attack. He attack marriages in various forms, prominent among them is wrong idea. This is why you need to always validate any teaching you hear on relationship with God’s word, because it’s possible to be deluded and not know.

My friends, you don’t wade off satanic attack on your relationship with grammar, makeup, six packs, wealth, social status etc. You need spiritual power to do that successfully. Amazingly, you obtain that spiritual power through a sustained relationship with God. You see why God is not an option if your relationship must be successful? You need Him more than you need oxygen.

This has been one of our strongest secrets to our relationship. My wife and I make it a priority to pursue God and to uphold His principles as much as possible. Make God the ultimate in your relationship, and you will have nothing to worry about. Stay bless

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